Barker’s Rock - on the beach

 Finally some non windy weather with full on sun got to love ❤️ it!

Not too good on the first night. But the following day was glorious all day.

When we arrived (it was only 15kms down the road) I was having a downer, Don made me go out and stand in front of the bus - not so he could run me even though at the time I wished he would, but to remind myself of what we were in - “the HAPIBUS “.

If you are not a dog lover please skip this paragraph! The first morning Don was up early to see if it would be a good day to be a gatherer, he took the beautiful miss Mia with him and came back shortly after with the decision to give a flick off the rocks a go and along with him came Mia wearing an extra coat made of sand and snuggled into bed beside me, I got up feeling as though I had been out in a sand storm and my face had enough to sand on it to have a facial scrub not to mention I won’t be needing a scale and clean of my teeth any time soon as I was chewing sand for the following 2 hours.

As you have most likely noticed I am a bit of a Glamper Camper, no drop dunnies for me. So here are a couple of tips for like minded glampers who can’t stand dirty floors.

Tip 1: if your glamping home is like mine and has more nooks and crannies then grandma’s kitchen then you would understand how stressful it is to see wee little corners still storing enough dirt to plant your spring bulbs, then make sure you have a dust buster with one of those crevice thingies on board, poke that into those corners and also use it instead of your dustpan!

Tip 2: when it comes to washing the floor use a bowl to do the breakky dishes in then put that water into your mopping bucket and do them with the recycled dish water dish. This saves on your stored water not to mention the soap. Just an add on to this from Don who said that the girls would then love licking the floor, make sure you don’t empty it all into the mopping bucket, leave the dregs at the bottom just as you would your tea leaves in your morning cuppa.

The walk along the beach was serene and relaxing just enjoying nature, no people and soaking up the sunshine. The beach revealed all sorts of little treasures and some not so little. We saw literally hundreds of cuttlefish  from very small to half eaten including teeth chomps and then there were some of the largest I think I have seen. We also saw a wide variety of shells all empty (no hermit crabs 😢) and a few jelly fish!

The dew here gets really heavy, so much so it ran of the precious awning onto my moon camping chair and it filled it up like a bucket.

This was the largest jelly fish (about dinner plate size)

Spidey is not adverse to bush bogging!

Don and Spidey taking in the bird information 

We feasted on Don’s first attempt at camp oven cooking (had to put this in or he would not have been happy 🤬) which was lamb shanks. I must say we’re really good.

Aghhhhh! I have to confess that today I used a drop dunny! Thought it best not to use the on-board ensuite since we still have a few more days at this sight before we get to a Dump point so I embraced the lifestyle and took the plunge! Now a moment of crassness- in the brief time I spent pondering 2 thoughts occurred to me about the use of these facilities.  1 the advantage is your bum doesn't get splashed when your evacuation occurs. And 2 you are unable to tell exactly the characteristics of the deposit. 

My hunter & gatherer from here on to be known as H&G went out for a flick (maybe i should rename him flicker) again today and still no gathering. I gathered a fish, see below and some great wood for the fire pit.

My fish!

Also I found some interesting beach wash-up’s that I might enter in next years beanie festival.

Spidey getting a few fishing tips from H&G

Well the good weather couldn’t last forever and it is back to raining, windy and super cold. A great day for damper (after my deconstructed baked bean and cheese jaffle).
Deconstructed jaffle.

 Set up the camp oven under the back of the trailer out of the rain and put inThe coals - 30 minutes later voilà beautiful damper ( dough by Nikki and cooked by Don - what a team) cup of tea and hot damper served with butter and golden syrup, please stop drooling 🤤 

Perfect damper
Final day just getting up and packing. Not to be out done we had morning sun followed by rain to see us on our way.

Laugh for the day, remember the cute ad for toilet paper where the puppy runs through the house leaving a trail of paper behind it? Well Don drop his roll this morning and it rolled out of the drop dunny and halfway across the camp ground, it came back to the bus a wonky rolled up mess.


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