Port Vincent

Our stay in Port Vincent is in a caravan park as we need to do some washing, have a good shower, fill the water, get supplies and empty as Don calls it the Shitter (not that any was in it). We booked for 2 nights and so glad we did, we have a site right on the cliff edge overlooking the sea. Once again it’s cold and windy but sunny too and what would one expect it is winter after all.

View from the Jetty looking back to the HAPIBUS 

Day 2 and we took a spin (or rather a slow and careful drive)out to look at our next prospective camp site/s. We settled on the third in the area called “The Gap” funny must we missing Mahomed Street! Took the girls down to the beach and went for a walk, there was not a lot of sand but plenty of Seaweed and from a distance you could be mistaken thinking it was a rock formation. Tilly followed Don who was not paying attention and she kept on going when he turned around, half way back to where I was I asked where she was and then the hunt was on aaagh how could I live without her and worse still live knowing she had perished in the wilderness as there is no way my very spoilt little girl could make it alone! Fortunately a short time and some way on we found her up in the dunes.

Seaweed mountains

On departure from Port Vincent Don and I went our separate ways……. No it’s not what you think,I headed in to stay with my delightful friend and her family for a few days as who doesn’t need some self time and break away from the 6ft space shared with their partner? Keeps the marriage healthy and must be working as we clock up 37 years in 10 days.

Lovely time in Gawler, Pedicure, Movies, retail therapy, sunshine, friendship, yadda, yadda, yadda! Thanks Nicole, Nigel, Aaron &Megan. 


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