When will the excitement happen

 After an unfortunate start of actually having one of those deadlines that in the beginning we were not supposed to be having, we were making our way to Adelaide to replace the awning that was ripped off the HAPIBUS on the previous trip (how is for another time -*note to first time campers* put in the awning before driving anywhere near a stoby pole - We are only human, stupid but human and what idiot put the poles close enough to the road for this to happen anyway?) the worst part was the clothes line with it, I have to say I was devastated, it was a double disaster.

Tip: write a check list and stick it to the steering wheel Togo through before taking off.

Anyway Adelaide here we come with a few stop over nights along the way, we are grey nomads after all (well at least the husband is, I’m a pink nomad). The trip was carefully planned so we arrived on the set date for the repairs. The insurance claim was done wasn’t it???

Lovely first couple of nights free camping in Northern South Australia (Remember in my previous post “NO money”? ) awesome sunsets, calm weather, camp fire the whole bit, I think I like this retirement business.

Sunsets on Days one and two

Anyway, the careful planning meant that we had a couple of extra days up our sleeve so we stopped by a spot we had visited before, great free camp by the sea! This stay was not the success of the last.

Parked up across from a small caravan expecting a relaxing stay, nope it was not! That small innocent looking caravan turned out to have 3 adults and 4 kids (aged 1 to about 7) residing in it and the 2 accompanying vehicles. It was such a delight to be in this picturesque spot, with a wonderful view of the sea, bird breading sanctuary, generator going 23 hours a day  - the other hour was when nice and quiet as the ranger was there to investigate a complaint of noise, not by us I might add as we value our all inclusive home on wheels and indeed our lives too much.

Guess what happened when the ranger left? Yes, “you fucking arseholes” not directed at us (well at least I hope not), then on with the genny, up with the doof, doof music, yelling at the kids to make sure the youngest of the noisy, shoeless, self entertaining quartet is kept an eye on by the 7 year old - parenting at its best.

I was glad when it was time to move on.

The beautiful Port Parham SA

Chillaxing by the fire!


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