Yet another set back

 Soon things were going to improve, the rig was being assessed today and tomorrow off we would go on our way to explore the York Peninsula, OR not! Things did not go well as the insurance company had not had their assessor approve the job as was said over 3 weeks ago so the new awning had not been ordered in - no way this could not be happening.

How long we asked, not sure was the reply maybe a week.

It was school holidays and the first 4 caravan parks called had no room. Finally we found a space a lovely caravan park up in the hills to sit out the time awaiting the arrival and fitting of the awning. The weather was not ideal to say the least and I was in desperate need of some sunshine.

One week passed, no news, one and a half weeks, still no news, to say I was getting testy would be an understatement, even retail therapy didn’t help, although I did 3 trips to Harbour Town, 1 to Marion, a couple to Glenelg, a trip to Costco and various other small shopping precincts I was still ready to toss in the towel. While on a retail therapy trip I found 2 bulldogs jackets for the girls to wear while watching the footy with their dad.

Go the Dogs,

One of the highlights of our time in Adelaide twiddling our thumbs was a trip to Harndorf where we had a great lunch of German sausage and sauerkraut in a German bakery that allowed us to have the girls inside ( think they were hoping we would leave them unattended so they could make off with them and turn them  into fillings for their rolls)

German sausage and Sauerkraut 

Inside the German bakery ( full of picture plates)

Finally a little over 2 weeks we were advised they had one but the colour was not the same as the original, to this our reply was I don’t give a toss put the bloody thing on! Which they did.

York Peninsular or Ardrossan more specifically here we come.

These boots were made for walking!


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